A Jaw-Dropping Landscape Transformation, The Beautiful Backyard Makeover – Part 2
Phase II- Finishing Touches!
Where Was I?
Phase 1 of our backyard makeover was well underway. The laborer and I finished building a new fence and stripped away decades of neglected landscaping. The combination left us with a massive pile of garbage in need of removal.
We decided to hire a landscape company to help us get across the finish line. They removed the enormous pile of junk, replace it with a new sprinkler system, edged in a paver walkway, and topped it off with fresh sod. Before they got to work, I spent some time drawing up a design for the landscape crew to show them my vision for the space.
The Design
I personally love straight lines and clean, simple design. I’m also a big fan of the KISS method.
Keep. It. Simple. Stupid!
Keep. It. Simple. Stupid: Let simplicity and functionality drive the design, the space will evolve from there.
As you can imagine, my design was pretty straight forward. I decided to go with a large paver and gravel path that ran from the house to the back gate. This walkway split the backyard into two main sod sections.
Since our backyard was such an odd shape, I designed several distinct cozy hangout spots, each with their own unique function.
See what we did with this space in our next post series! (The Mini Farm)
Sod, Sprinklers & Walkways
Gregorio’s Landscape team totally transformed our backyard yard in a matter of days! They installed a new sprinkler system, edged out pavers/gravel for the walkway, and laid fresh sod.
Once they were done, our backyard was completely unrecognizable! It was honestly difficult to not stare at it all day. Is this really the same yard? It felt like an entirely new space!
Planting New Trees
Now that the bulk of the landscape renovation was complete, it was time to add some new trees! The laborer and I planted 7 native trees to offset the invasive species we removed, to create more privacy and sound blocking.
Trees can be expensive, but luckily Denver has several tree programs in an effort to offset pollution and increase the city’s green canopy. Be A Smart Ash is a program that will plant street trees on your property free of charge. Denver Digs Trees sells low-cost trees (I’m talking $10/tree here) to Denver residents, and specialty trees (such as fruit trees) to non-Denver residents at a slightly higher cost (about $60/tree but still a great deal!). Another Denver program to keep an eye out for is Free Mulch & Compost Day! Once a year (usually May 4th) the city of Denver gives away free mulch and compost!
If you’re a Denver resident I would definitely recommend checking out these programs. However, even if you don’t live in Denver check your local municipality’s website to see if they offer similar programs. Tree programs are typically run through either the City Planning or Parks & Recreation Department.
New Tree Care
Trees are a great way to add more privacy, sound blocking and shade to your home. There’s a few things to keep in mind when it comes to new trees:
First, a higher quality tree is more likely to survive the transplant and first few growing seasons. Home depot is a great resource for many things, but a word of caution when it comes to their trees. Their trees are mass grown, sprayed with tons of pesticides, and usually have a lower survival rate. If you can, try to get your trees from a local nursery or tree program.
Second, make sure you plant your tree correctly, and during the right time of year for your climate. Research planting instructions and the best planting seasons before you plant your tree(s).
For example, in Colorado, the best time of year to plant new trees is in the fall. Fall planting gives thees an opportunity to root down and establish themselves over the winter before the spring hits.
However, depending on the type of tree and local climate, it may be better to plant your trees in the spring. When planting, always make sure you dig a large enough hole. If planted incorrectly, they will likely die within a few weeks.
Third, it takes about 3 years for a new tree to fully establish. During that time they need to be watered… a lot. When I say a lot, I mean several gallons per tree once or twice a week during the spring and summer months (or yearlong depending on your climate zone). Before you go out and buy a bunch of trees, be aware that your water bill will be substantially higher while your trees establish.
Shrubs & Bushes
In addition to the new tree babies, I planted a row of English Lavender along the side of the house. It smells great, brings pollinators to the backyard, and they look beautiful especially once they are more established. English lavender grows quickly so you can plant small plugs and in less than 6 months your shrubs will begin to establish themselves.
I also decided to plant additional shrubs and tall grasses in our edged rock beds to bring some personality to our backyard.
Sit Back, and Enjoy!
The final finishing touch? We hung an old-fashioned tree swing from our backyard tree. It’s fun, so why not, right?!
Our little supervisor Indie could not have been happier with our work! He had plenty of room for sunbathing, chasing squirrels and guarding the perimeter.
Now all he needed was a buddy to enjoy it with! It was finally time to get a new puppy! Welcome to the crew Annie-Oakley!
Does a Backyard Makeover Increase Property Value?
The short answer is sometimes, although most of the time the answer is yes.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors!
The old saying still speaks true, ‘good fences make good neighbors!’ Adding additional privacy and security to your property will ultimately add value to your home. As an added bonus, it will create a more enjoyable backyard space for you to enjoy!
If you have a smaller home, a new fence or backyard makeover can make a smaller house feel larger and more spacious. New fences also add curb appeal, which is an easy way to make a good first impression!
Additionally, if you live in a state like Colorado, improving your backyard space will add value to your property. Many homebuyers in ‘outdoorsy’ states tend to spend a lot of their time outside, so homes with a great backyard space are more attractive to buyers.
Backyard Renovation Budget
In total, we budgeted around $10,000 for our entire backyard remodel (not including the garden- Phase III), which I realize is a lot of cheddar. We decided to finance our project by taking out a SoFi loan. This spaced out the large upfront cost with lower monthly payments, over a longer period of time.
About 6 months after we finished the backyard, we decided to refinance our home. Simply because our credit was good, and rates were at a record low (January 2020). When we refinanced, another appraisal was done on the house. The Appraisal came out to be approximately $30,000-$50,000 above what we had originally paid for the home just one year earlier. So, overall it was worth it for us to make an upfront investment, and add significant value to our home for the long term.
The Benefits of Outdoor Space
Several psychological studies show that humans are drawn to green space, because it has a calming effect on the nervous system and reduces stress. So, if you can add green space to your home, improve your backyard functionality, or enhance the views inside your home, it will help put you and your family at ease.
Speaking from my own experience, once the backyard renovation was complete our quality of life improved drastically. We no longer felt like we were living in a fishbowl! The bothersome street noise all but disappeared once the fence was built. The house no longer had unpleasant views of the street or the neighbor’s houses. We finally had the privacy we wanted, lovely landscaped views, and a relaxing backyard space to enjoy!
Finishing Touches- Check!
There was still a lot of work that needed to be done on our house, but to us it felt like the battle had already been won. We fully transformed our previously dysfunctional, ugly backyard into a beautiful space we could finally appreciate!
By now, Summer 2019 was coming to an end. At last, the finishing touches were complete, and we had a functional backyard space!
We decided to put a pause on future projects, and revel in our hard work for the remainder of summer and fall. This included putting Phase III- The Garden on hold until the spring of 2020.
Stay tuned for our next post, where I walk you through how we transformed a desolate rock patch into an incredible mini farm! You won’t want to miss this upcoming post on this extreme garden makeover, so don’t forget to subscribe to The Bonus Space (top of the sidebar) for an update when Garden Renovation – The Mini Farm goes live!
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If you have any questions, or would like to share some helpful tips of your own, leave a comment below or email me directly at melanie@pillartoposthomes.com
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